Newsletter No. 7

Hey there, this is Abhishek. I’m grateful this week to write to a few new subscribers — thank you for joining!

I’m still experimenting with the style and voice of this weekly newsletter. I’ve written a couple of longer pieces and several shorter ones. I have hope that a pattern will emerge soon that will be harmonious with what I can offer and what you want to receive in your inbox.

I find myself on a cognitive-tug-of-war most Sunday afternoons. Sundays is when I write articles for my blog. Then, I turnaround and write this newsletter to you. Newsletter writing is to specific people whereas blog writing is to whoever stumbles upon my site. I have to switch my writing voice and style mid-way through the day. This is not exactly harmonious either.

Last week, I dug up several ideas I had jotted down from Fall of 2021. I also set off a short rant that had been bugging me the previous week.

The Problem is is that rant. The last week of January will prove if I was

In Negative Reinforcement, I attack my own difficulty in changing my mind.

I wrote about understanding Growth Mindset using the metaphor of a ratcheting wrench.

Zeigarnik Effect is a fascinating theory that explains the popularity and effectiveness of Todo list type apps.

In Habit Forming by Anticipation, I tackle one of the many tools I have relied on to build new habits and break bad ones.