Sighthound Studio

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Dealings with My Growth Mindset

I imagine a ratchet. Turn the handle. Click, click, click. The spring gives. Then turn the other way and the nut tightens.

This visual comes to my mind when I think of Growth Mindset. If the tightening nut is a metaphor for Growth, then counter turning handle click, click, click is the Mindset.

Growth Mindset is the search to improve constantly. I feel alive when I improve. But it can lead to burnout.

I’ll lean on the tightening nut metaphor some more: after ratcheting, the nut reaches a point where it is tight enough. It has reached the torque-spec of that bolt. At that point the tightening must stop. The nut has now started doing its job of keeping the bolt fastened to the frame. It may need re-tightening later but today it is fastened.

This last image of the nut at rest is missing from my relentless pursuit of growth. It is easy for me to keep tightening and reach the point of over-tightening or burnout.

I have given myself a few lofty goals for 2022. Nothing wrong with aiming high as long as I remember that I many cases, finger-tighten is good enough.