Sighthound Studio

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Why Static Quality?

When I start to feel restless and needing a new hobby or inspiration, what is happening is that static quality is becoming the dominant quality.

Some of us are succeptible to this feeling more often than other are. I think it is to do with the sub-conscious desire to find a balance of dynamic and static quality that is innate to our personality somehow. I would like to find out someday why this is the case.

Some people from an early age know the static quality they want to pursue.
Single family home.
Two car garage.
2.3 kids.
Golden retriever.
Beach vacation...

You get the picture.

Then mid-life crisis hits almost like clockwork and a shiny new sports car arrives. On second thougths mid-life crisis has hardly any dynamic quality given the punctuality of it. Mid-life crisis only has the ilusion of dynamic quality but it is actually static quality in disguise.

Why are some people more succeptible to cementing static quality in their lives while others repel it?

What about all those people in the middle spectrum of it?

Too many questions.