Sighthound Studio

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Work Work Work Work

This weekend was particularly productive.

My wife and I went to a three hour painting class on Saturday, did an Ikea run for a bookshelf for our craft room, had dimsum, went to lunch with her father, among other things.

Outside of this, I probably put in four hours of office work each on Saturday and Sunday.

But I don't feel tired. I am ready for Monday. I even feel rested.
I shouldn't, but I do.

I think here is why:

  1. I was not alone working, others including senior management were working with me.
  2. We were working on crafting a story to tell our customer that best represents the work we have been doing, and the work we plan to do in the next few years.
  3. We have been working on this project for several months now... and this powerpoint is the first time our customer will get to see what we have been producing.
  4. We have produced a kickass deck of slides by the end of Sunday... it is relevant and meaningful, it flows with good cadence, and it is devoid of redundant detail.

I don't have to work weekends usually and I feel grateful for it.

In the off chance that I do, I have found it rewarding and meaningful.

And for this, I feel even more grateful.