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Blogging Daily

I discovered C.J. Chivers when I was having my second stab at trying photography. My camera: a shiny new iPhone 4s. Mr. Chivers wrote about being a lesser photographer which resonated with me. The photography world was filled with high speced DSLRs with expensive lenses and Mr. Chivers' words were a relief.

C.J. Chivers stopped posting on Lesser Photographer a little while ago. He started blogging daily on his personal page. This really got me thinking about blogging daily. Especially since I dusted off my old RSS feeds on Feedly, I was able to recently read his post about blogging daily

"It's a great practice as a writer, photographer or creator in general to read intelligent content outside the walls of social media and create your own. It's an exercise in mental health more than promotion." -- C.J. Chivers

He quotes Seth Godin who is a daily blogging pioneer.

"Everyone should write a blog, every day, even if no one reads it. There’s countless reasons why it’s a good idea and I can’t think of one reason it’s a bad idea. If you know you have to write a blog post tomorrow, something in writing, something that will be around 6 months from now, about something in the world, you will start looking for something in the world to to write about. You will seek to notice something interesting and to say something creative about it. Well, isn’t that all we’re looking for? The best practice of generously sharing what you notice about the world is exactly the antidote for your fear." -- Seth Godin

These are my two points of inspiration for blogging daily. I am trying to post this piece in the last fifteen minutes before my wind down time (9:30 PM) when all electronic devices get put away...which means I am serious about both, the wind-down time and the blogging daily.

I think I know why I want to blog daily but I want to distill that thought a bit more before I write about it here.